Mea Culpa
Date de sortie:
Die Polizisten Franck und Simon bauen nach einer durchfeierten Nacht einen schweren Autounfall, bei dem zwei Menschen sterben. Simon, der Fahrer, wird vom Dienst suspendiert. Sechs Jahre später kämpft er noch immer um die Anerkennung seines Sohnes Theo.
Flics sur Toulon, Simon et Franck fetent la fin d'une mission. De retour vers chez eux, ils percutent une voiture. Bilan: deux victimes dont un enfant. Franck est indemne. Simon, qui etait au volant et alcoolise, sort grievement blesse. Il va tout perdre. Sa vie de famille. Son job de flic. Six ans plus tard, divorce de sa femme Alice, Simon est devenu convoyour de fonds et peine a tenir son role de pere aupres de son fils Theo qui a desormais 9 ans. Franck, toujours flic, veille a distance sur lui. Lors d'une corrida, le petit Theo va entre malgre lui le temoin d'un reglement de compte mafieux. Tres vite, il fera l'objet de menaces. Simon va tout faire pour proteger son fils et retrouver ses poursuivants. Le duo avec Franck va au meme moment se recomposer. Mais ce sera aussi pour eux l'occasion de revenir sur les zones d'ombre de leur passe commun.
Due poliziotti, Simon e Franck sono protagonisti di un terribile incidente. Simon che era alla guida e sotto gli effetti dell'alcol, rimane gravemente ferito. Per sei anni lavora come trasportatore di denaro mentre tenta di far da padre a Theo. Un giorno, Theo è testimone di un regolamento di conti mafioso.
Simon and Franck, two cops in Toulon, celebrate the end of a mission. On their way back home, they crash into a car. Result: two victims, one of whom is a child. Franck comes out of the accident unscathed; Simon, drunk behind the wheel, is severely injured. He loses everything. His family life. His job as a cop. Six years later, divorced from his wife Alice, Simon has become a security guard and struggles to maintain his father role with his son Théo, who is now nine years old. Franck, still a cop, keeps watch over Simon from a distance. During a corrida, Théo accidentally witnesses a settling of scores between mafiosi. The boy's life is threatened. Simon is prepared to do everything he can to protect his son and find his pursuers. Simon, Théo and Franck team up. This provides an opportunity for the two men to take a look back at shadowy areas of their shared past.
- A film by:
- Fred Cavayé
- Cast:
- Vincent Lindon, Gilles Lellouche, Nadine Labaki, Max Baissette de Maglaive, Gilles Cohen
- Year:
- 2012
- Duration:
- 90 min
- Country:
- France
- Image:
- Scope
- Genre:
- Thriller
- Language:
- French
- Subtitles:
- -
- Sound:
- 5.1 Dolby Digital
- Age:
- 14
- Suisa Nr.:
- 1009.966