Pourquoi tu pleures ?
Date de sortie:

Nur wenige Tage vor seiner eigenen Hochzeit muss ein junger Mann folgenschwere Entscheidungen treffen. Verantwortlich hierfür ist nicht nur das spurlose Verschwinden seiner Verlobten, sondern auch eine sexy Zufallsbekanntschaft und die liebe Verwandtschaft, welche ihm die Hölle heiss macht...
A quelques jours de son mariage, un jeune homme qui n'en a pas l'habitude se retrouve confronté à des décisions cruciales. Face à sa fiancée qui a disparu, face à la fille qu'il vient de rencontrer, face à sa belle-famille dont il ne comprend pas la langue, face à sa mère, sa soeur, ses potes et même aux ouvriers sur le chantier de son futur appartement, il doit trancher. Mariage ou passion, passé familial ou futur conjugal, pétales ou dragées, tout va y passer.
Pochi giorni prima del suo matrimonio, un giovame deve prendere delle decisioni inaspettate, affrontando la sua sfuggente fidanzata, una ragazza che ha appena incontrato, sua madre, sua sorella, i suoi bizzarri futuri suoceri, i suoi amici e persino i muratori che stanno lavorando nel suo appartamento.
Bachelor Days are over
A few days before his wedding, a young man used to never making a decision finds himself obliged to choose everything. Faced with his fiancée, faced with his in-laws, whose language is incomprehensible to him, faced with the woman he's just met, faced with his sister, mother, friends and even the workers at his building site, where work is not progressing, how can he settle all these matters that he hoped to avoid? Marriage and passion, family past and future married life, petals and sugared almonds - everything will be put to the test.
" Une comédie d’une drôlerie inédite. "
- Le Monde
" Un film drôle et mélancolique ! "
- Le Figaro
" Savoureux ! "
- Le Parisien
- A film by:
- Katia Lewkowicz
- Cast:
- Benjamin Biolay, Emmanuelle Devos, Nicole Garcia, Valérie Donzelli, Sarah Adler, Eric Lartigau
- Year:
- 2011
- Duration:
- 109 min
- Country:
- France
- Image:
- Flat
- Genre:
- Comedy
- Language:
- French
- Subtitles:
- -
- Sound:
- Dolby Surround
- Age:
- GE: 12
- Suisa Nr.:
- 1008.514